Thanks for sharing that story ...

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It's greed and utter cruelty. This wouldn't be possible without the absence of respect for life. I hadn't seen that NYT feature. Thank you and thanks to the NYT. I'm going to urge my Congress people to do something to stop it.

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And then those corporate monsters will raise the price of human chicken and pet food to compensate for "scarcity." It's win, win, win for them every which way.

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A likely factor in this wasteful, cruel, and destructive practice is that in the U.S., bribery of politicians is legally permitted, so long as one calls it a "campaign contribution."

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Ahhh. 'Once more unto the breach'... if only someone would scream "enough is enough?" I mean, I just heard that solution proposed for the hundredth time in regard to Gaza and that tragedy has been resolved right? Some days I just despair a bit.

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We do it to people also. Rather than try to solve a problem, we do the easiest thing, which is often a living thing that we deem the source of the problem. My mother used to read Rachel Carson to us. Makes me think we need someone with her skills to explain the stupidity of this to all of us.

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We asked for it. The chickens didn’t. Industrialized agriculture is just wrong as is our uncaring healthcare system. Compassion should rule not profit.

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This is so distressing, it's hard to form a decent thought. What we do to our animals is horrendous and hope that somewhere in their gracious hearts, they forgive us.

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