Powerful combo of two photos! A case of two is more than the sun of its parts. Thanks!

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Thanks. That's what I'm trying o do.

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Oh, how money talks! My Bulgarian friend has said that the people in several Eastern European countries don't like the USA. Recently, an American company opened a factory in northern Bulgaria to manufacture parts for tanks used in Ukraine against Russia. Bulgarians in the north are beginning to like Americans. Money talks and negotiating with it is difficult if not impossible.

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I grew up near Mexico and lived there, in Peru, and in El Salvador. The saying in Mexico was, "So far from heaven, so close to the Unisted States," where US was NOT heaven but rather the opposite. The US has been a source of shame for me in my travels there. So sorry to hear it's also now true in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe. And of course the oligarchs in Latin America have counted on the US for decades...

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oh yeah.

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Excellent post, Terry. This is about as good as humans get. Bernie Sanders is a hero.

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Yes. He is cranky and I have heard hard to work with, but I only know his public face and agree with you.

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Beautiful images, beautiful write up.

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Thank you.

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